The Stubborn Mule

Registration & Administration Questions ↓
What if I want to change my team count after signing up?
YES! You should be able to make these types of changes on our registration page in RunSignUp. If you have questions, please email us.
What is the refund policy?
Teams may cancel their registration by emailing us directly to coordinate refunds. Refunds will be based on the published entry fees and will not include Run Sign Up fees. Teams looking to transfer their entry to another team may do so up to 1 week prior to race day, but teams are responsible for coordinating finances themselves and then communicating the team change to us directly. Please see each race info page for refund deadlines.
Race Day Questions ↓
Will maps be pre-plotted?
YES! No plotting!
Can we see last years maps?
Check out our race instructions and maps from previous years under the race archives dropdown.
Do the activities happen sequentially, ie. Bike, then trek? Or can we chose any order in which we do the activities?
The event order or options will be shared in the race instructions that you receive at check-in on race day. For an example of what you might expect, check out our race instructions and maps from previous races under the race archives dropdown. I recommend you check in as early as possible on race day to maximize your planning time.
Is there a single transition area where we can store gear, or do we need to pack all gear with us for the entire 5, 12, 24 hours?
More details on this will be shared at race check-in, but to be best-prepared, plan to carry all gear for entire race (aside from paddle gear).
What activities will we be doing at night?
Be prepared for any and all disciplines at night for the 24-Hour race.
How many copies of maps do we get for a team of 4?
1 set of maps. Suppose there are 4 different maps covering the race area, you will receive 1 copy of each map, for a total of 4.
Can we use hybrid, bikepacking, gravel bikes?
A mountain bike will certainly make your race more enjoyable, but we also want to keep the races accessible to everyone, so we do not have any restriction on hybrid bikes. E-bikes and tandems are not allowed. Yes. I recommend that you be comfortable and experienced riding a variety of terrain on the bike that you choose.
When can we expect to get the racer’s guide and rules ?
Race instructions will be given at race check-in: the instruction format will be similar to those linked above, but the event order and exact discipline details will be different. I will send out race updates no less than 1 week prior to race day with additional details. In those updates you can expect more exact distances, and trail type/distances for the biking sections
Do 5-hour and 12-hour teams need glowsticks, bike lights, water purification, etc?
Carefully review the appropriate gear list for your race.
In addition to water, do we need to pack our own food?
The race organization is not providing food during the race, but will provide post-race food and beverages.
What do we do in case of emergency?
If it is truly an emergency, please call 911. There will also be an emergency plan in your racer instructions.
Is there a possibility we could encounter bears or other dangerous animals?
Our staff has not encountered any black bears while working on course design this year, but use good sense out there!
Does each member of the team need to perform all of the events or can the events be split among the members (relay)?
The Stubborn Mule is a traditional adventure race in the sense that teammates stay together through the entire race; it is not a relay.
How tough will the navigation be?
We expect every team planning to clear the course to be challenged with decision-making and strategy throughout the race. Some CPs will be easier than others. 24-hour teams should plan to be doing some long legs in difficult terrain with many route choices.
Will someone be checking for our required equipment?
You should expect a gear check and also expect penalties for not having required gear. Example: if each team member is supposed to have a whistle, and your team is short two whistles, that would be a loss of 2 checkpoints.
Can we use our cell phone to take pictures during the race?
While we appreciate that you want to capture your day in photos, cell phones are for emergency use only.
Why are pants recommended? Because of the brush?
Many of the gear requirements and recommendations are related to safety. Even in the summer participants can get very cold if they get wet during a paddle section. Consider pants to help you warm up if needed. Pants are also a good idea to help combat ticks and plants like poison ivy and wild parsnip.
What if we want to record our route so we can review it after the race, but do not have a device that runs in AR mode?
Your device must be sealed such that you cannot view the display during the race. An easy way to do this is to wrap the device in a sheet of thick paper or an envelope, tape it shut and place it in a water proof bag. Leave the device sealed and stowed throughout the race.
Process for using your watch.
Notify us at the start line that you are using your Garmin in AR Mode. We will record you as using your approved Garmin at this time.
If you use a non-approved GPS watch of any kind during the race you will be penalized per the race rules.
On race morning start your device immediately prior to the race start.
We suggest using screen-lock during the race to avoid too many accidental button presses
When you cross the finish line, proceed to the timing table where we will be collecting finger sticks. At this time you can stop your watch and allow the race official to confirm the start and stop times.
Can we use our Garmin GPS in AR mode?
Yes. We will use the process from USARA nationals as a model:
Garmin specifically designed AR mode to not allow access to any GPS-based data (speed distance etc.)
Data screens in this mode cannot be customized, and you cannot leave this mode once active.
When started, the watch can only be stopped ONCE. Once it is stopped, you are done with that activity.
The watch records your start and finish time and displays that immediately after your activity is done.
We will be inspecting watches at the finish line to ensure that your start time is at or before the race start time and that your finish time is at or after when you crossed the finish.
If we cannot confirm these two times your team will be DQ’d. Please take this into consideration before choosing to use your Garmin in AR mode. You MUST know how to use it properly.
AR Newbie Questions ↓
What is a "CP"?
A CP is a check point, they are each worth one point.
What is a “TA”?
A TA is a transition area, where you will be switching one from event to another. For example from biking to paddling.
In reviewing past course instructions, some clues were for things like: reentrant, spur, or saddle? What are those!?
Here is a really good article about various features that you may be looking for:
Will there be technical single-track in the 5-hour race?
For 2025, you can expect a lot of pavement, gravel roads, and two-track
What is pace counting?
Pace counting is keeping track of the distance you covered by counting your steps. You can use the scale on the map to determine how far you need to go, and then you can count your paces to measure the distance you cover in the real world. This article explains this concept pretty well: And this is a good series about navigation in adventure racing:
What do we do if we get lost?
Recovering from getting lost is a big part of the sport. We’ve all been there! You will always be fairly close to roads and major highways. It is a good practice to keep a recovery plan in mind, so that if you get lost, you know which direction to go to get to the nearest road/highway.