The Stubborn Fool

Gear List

Stubborn Fool Adventure Race
Stubborn Fool Adventure Race

Mandatory / Full Time

Team Gear

waterproof map case

(or means to keep maps/instructions dry)

writing utensils
cell phone

(fully charged, for emergency only)


(for tracking time, no GPS or smart watches)

first aid kit

(at minimum: 4 painkiller, 4 bandaids)

Mandatory / Full Time

Individual Gear

means to carry liquid

(at least 32oz of liquid)

waterproof jacket

(with hood, sealed or taped seams, ultra- light water-resistant 3oz jackets do not satisfy this requirement)

warm hat

(poly-pro or similar, something to keep heat in if you are wet, not a cotton baseball hat)

long pants/tights
long sleeve shirt


Biking Gear


(mountain bike or hybrid recommended, per racer)

flashing red tail light

(per racer)

bike helmet

(per racer)

Recommended / Full Time


map wheel
permethrin, deet, etc.
dry bag
extra clothing
extra batteries
duct tape


Biking Gear

bike locks

(means to secure all team bikes)

bike pump or C02
spare tubes/patch kit
cycling odometer (no gps)
chain tool/repair kit
bike gloves

Prohibited Gear

gps or smart watch

(communication devices other than sealed emergency cell phone. Garmin watches in AR mode are allowed)

fire arms
motorized transport